Home Digital Marketing The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords: Realizing Possibilities for AdWords

The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords: Realizing Possibilities for AdWords

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If you are trying to find the best possible ways to leverage Google AdWords to get highly qualified traffic to your website, the definitive guide to Google AdWords by Perry Marshall is a comprehensive guide that shows you how to get highly targeted traffic to your website using Google AdWords.

In the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords, Perry Marshall will take you through the good aspects of AdWords as well as the bad parts about using Google AdWords and everything in between.  If you have never used Google AdWords, you can still follow the easy-to-understand information in this guide for setting up a successful Google AdWords campaign.  If you are a well-seasoned Google AdWords advertiser you can still benefit from the information that is offered in this publication.

What the Definitive Guide to Google AdWords Offers

At the beginning of the book, Perry Marshall points out that Google AdWords allows anyone to be able to use this advertising method regardless of the size of their budget.  He stresses the importance of testing as well as the importance of doing detailed market research for discovering untapped and highly targeted markets.  If you do the research properly you can generate highly targeted traffic within minutes of setting up a Google AdWords campaign.

In the middle of the book, Perry Marshall outlines the learning curve of Google AdWords and the importance of understanding how direct marketing works.  While getting a high click-through rate (CTR) is important your advertising dollars are lost if you cannot convert the visitors to sales. He goes on to explain how different elements of the Google AdWords campaign are integrated as a whole to make the entire campaign successful.  This is explained in a format that is easy to understand and follow.

The ugly parts of Google AdWords are outlined later in the book which includes the concept of click fraud. Perry Marshall does a good job of explaining what click fraud is and how it works so you know what to look for and how to protect yourself from falling victim to this type of criminal activity.  Although Google AdWords is a great tool for advertising like anything else on the Internet, there are ugly sides so it is important to know how to protect yourself to make the most of a great opportunity.

In the heart of the definitive guide to google AdWords, Perry Marshall discusses in detail 5 key tips for creating a successful AdWords campaign and provides a great in-depth explanation for each tip.  The tips include detailed information on proper keyword analysis in two parts, how to qualify your clicks and eliminate the window shoppers and tire kickers, writing relevant headlines, and how to test properly.

Price and Bonuses

The price for all of the quality information you are receiving is quite reasonable $97 plus you get a free 5-day course called “5 Days to Success with Google AdWords.  You also get access to the membership site which contains additional quality information on running an AdWords campaign as well as updates for the main manual.

Overall the Definitive Guide to AdWords contains a lot of high-quality information that is useful for avoiding the headaches that usually accompany the learning curve of using AdWords.  In the long run, the price of this publication will probably save you advertising dollars that you would otherwise lose by going through the process of trial and error.